I hope everyone enjoyed their Valentine's Day yesterday. Adam and I had a wonderful one, all except for when the blueberry (my car) stopped working. Hopefully it won't be anything majorly expensive to fix! Of course, the wonderful in-laws came to the rescue and moved my car for me, then let me borrow their truck to drive until my car gets fixed. They are too great for words. Plus my poor dad is going to try and fix it for me. It's always wonderful when you have good family to help out.
Besides the blueberry fiasco, I woke up to beautiful Valentine's goodies! Adam also got me some really cute pj's but w/ the growing boobs and belly, they don't fit so I have to take em back and get some bigger ones, hehe. Poor Adam felt bad, but he shouldn't, it just happens! Then he took me to Olive Garden, because it really has just been the only place I've really wanted to go eat. Of course it was delicious, didn't last long, but it was great. Then we spent some time w/ his family and then we went to see my sister. It was just an absolute wonderful day. No matter what bad things happen, or how bad I can feel, Adam always makes it better and amazing. 
So, here is our cute end of the night Valentine's Day picture. It's not the best of me, but it has all three of us and that's what really matters.
Today is our day of relaxation. We get to just hang out and do whatever we want, go to Wal-Mart get some groceries...and meds. I'm thinking that if in the next week the food business doesn't get any better, I'm going to try and take the Zofran and see how it makes me feel. If it helps, I'll take it when I'm desperate, other than that I guess I'm just too nervous to take anything other than the prenatal vitamins and hormones. Tomorrow is another ultrasounds, yay! Hehe I actually really enjoy going once a week, because I think it would panic too much if I wasn't going. Holly is going to come and get me and then after my dr. appt me are going to eat, and shop. I'm so excited. I have to get my sister a b-day gift. Poor thing didn't really get to celebrate a b-day because of the ice storm. Alrighty well i've said it all that I can today, of course there will be new updates tomorrow. Enjoy the day!!
Make sure you text me and let me know how your doctor's appointment goes tomorrow!