Before I even start this blog, I put up this hillarious comic, because well at this point in the week, I can def. use funny things to keep me from not having a nervous breakdown. Anyway, it's the truth and just about one of the funniest things I've seen in a while!
When it rains it POURS....
So yeah, this is what I heard at 4:30am this morning at work....that security was on the phone for me. I mean seriously I have been at work all night, what could they poss. want from me? So, I answer the phone and of course the first words out of his mouth, "Amanda, are you driving a red F150?" Well of course, I started crying...its the first night I've actually drove the car more than half a mile and something has already happened! Then he proceeds to tell me that someone else left there car in neutral, and it has rolled into the back of my INLAWS NICE TRUCK! So yes, panic and dismay I go to get my jacket and my keys when then they call a nurse that works on my floor....and of course it's her car! So, we head down together, having our own personal prayer service in the elevator that nothing is wrong with the truck! She said she could care less about her truck, it was just her work car, and she has full coverage if it did do any damage. Either way I just couldn't believe this was happening, and I was sure that the cop that was setting down there had already called my in-laws and that is how he knew I was driving the car.
But in the end...no damage whatsoever to the truck, now the nurse's bumper is a whole different story. Other than my mild heart attack, it all turned out for the best. I took it by where my mother in law works this morning, and of course she was just calm as a cucumber, telling me that even if something would have happened, it would be nothing for me to worry about!! I guess just because I come from a family where everyone is just a lil on edge, and you have to just make it on your own, it's hard to believe how open and laid back they are. It really is a nice feelin
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