Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Family Bedtime!

Aiden has been such a big boy here lately and has moved from our bed, to his bassinette, to now his crib in his room. I was so sad at first and nervous, but he loves his crib. But last night he wasn't having it, he was running a low grade temp, teething something fierce and wouldn't sleep anywhere but in my arms. So, we all went to bed and watched Harry Potter - The Half Blood Prince!! It was great...forgot how much I love to cuddle with both of my guys in the bed.
Not a whole lot going on today, I have to work the next three that pretty much sucks my life away, so I just stay here and enjoy spending time w/ Aiden and nap when I can.
I just put a roast on w/ carrots, onions, celery, and red potatoes..and all the great seasoning, so that will be delicious! And have a load of clothes in the dryer! Man, how I wish I could just be a full time stay at home mom, instead of a stay at home mom/ work full time, hehe!!
Brittany, I believe that Aiden has now decided to never part from the blanket, I laid him down like this to run and use the bathroom and I came back to him sound asleep cuddling Spot (that's his puppy)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Christmas is around the corner!

There is just about a 1000 things that happened since the last time I blogged, and about 2000 pics that were taken, but every chance that I thought I would get to blog was a no I'm just going to try and keep it updated from this moment on, w/ quick lil blogs and a few pics here and there. Aiden is amazing, he smiles all the time and never stops "talking" (jabbers and coos) is just wonderful! He has been holding his own head up for months now, and if you even try to help him, he will pull it away! I have the funniest video in the entire world which I will be soon putting up of Aiden laughing hysterically at my dad. He really loves his grandparents, all of them. He pretty much is going to be spoiled rotten, I'm ok w/ that, because I know he will still be a good baby. I haven't hardly done any Christmas shopping, and it's looking like I'm just going to do almost all of it online! Which makes me sad because I love to go shopping, maybe I will sneak a few days in, Aiden loves to get out and go! (He just wants to be a ham and smile at everyone that talks to him) I did get the Christmas cards done yesterday, along w/ a bunch of other great Christmas pics of Aiden, and I can't wait to see them.

Tonight will be consisting of:
- me making fried rice, chicken teriyaki, mabye egg rolls
- addressing christmas cards, while cuddled on the couch w/ Aiden & Adam watching....
Everytime Aiden sees the commerical for this he just flips out screaming and laughing, so we are not going to miss it, it's going to be on ABC at 7:30, and it really does look adorable!
And then we are going to watch Harry Potter, which Adam is picking up on his way home yay!!! Thank you so much for the gift Brittany, Annalise, and Trendon...he really loves it!!! He has already played w/ it, smooched on it, and took a nap w/ it! Such a great gift! You all are wonderful and your Christmas card came in the mail today at the same time...and it was wonderful! I was mad because the mail ppl got it wet! But it didn't mess it up! Love you guys!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

2 Months Old

Tomorrow is Aiden's 2 month Dr. visit, and I'm FREAKING out! I'm pretty positive that I will have a panic attack waiting to see the Dr. and then I will in fact shed tears when Aiden cries getting his immunizations! Yeah, I know total baby, me not Aiden. We have had two amazing trips, the first was the MS to visit Adam's Granny Grunt and then to Cincy to stay w/ Nathan and both were sooo amazing! Aiden is a champ at traveling and there is soon to be a major pic post with details of all the fun.
Anyway, I'm getting everything ready...the boys are already in bed...I'll try and post super blog tomorrow! G'night!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Aiden's first trip

So, here we are up as early as can be on Friday trying to get ready for Saturday. We are taking Aiden on his first trip to Mississippi...and honestly I'm already in a pre panic mode, hehe. Thankfully my fam and Adam's familia have been more than helpful coming over and helping get laundry done, and holding the baby while I run around doing stuff. And seriously I don't know what I would do w/out my Sis, and Brittany's moral support, via txt. I'm getting pics ready for Adam's granny, fixing to go and get the oil changed, doing a load of Aiden's laundry, nursed the baby, and just tucked him & my sis in on the I can get ready! (of course I'm in here blogging instead!)

I wish I could just take my sister w/ us to MS but no, she has a wedding to go to this weekend, but that's alright I already stole her away from my Granny next week. It's always been tradition for her to go to Granny's on fall break, but this year, she is just coming to stay w/ me. We have so much fun and she is a huge help! But all of her hard work is paying off, I'm taking her to an All Time Low concert in St. Louis towards the end of Nov.

Now, all I have left is paying the insurance, packing the rest of our bags, and we will be ready to go. We are going to have supper when Adam gets off work tonight, head to bed (which he doesnt' even get home until 6:20), then when Aiden gets up to bf between 2:30-4:00 (we always have feeding some where between that time) we are just going to go ahead and leave after we are done...that way Aiden is still on his sleep schedule and hopefully that will work out!
I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Monkey Butt!!

And Happy Birthday Annalise!!!!! Sorry my gift will of course be there late, but it is worth it!!! Hehe!!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Aiden's fall photo shoot!

I know this is ridiculous! But it is wonderful, you should be jealous!

Yes, another winshield!!

So, I have the worse luck with winshields...a few weeks ago a truck threw a rock, which cracked my winshield. I was going to just have that filled, except the other day my mom & dad had a yard sale. Aiden and I thought it would be fun to go set over there because it was such a nice day, and my sis had even stayed home...but one big gust of wind and the basketball goal that they had for sale blew over and into my front window. Now i'm hoping that when they get here today its not too rainy, because pieces of glass keep falling in and it is no longer safe to drive.

Last Thursday Aiden stayed w/ my dad & sis while Adam and I ran to walmart and out to eat, that was nice, but I called about 6 times in that 2 and half hours we were gone. I don't know what I will do when I have to go back to work! BLAH!

We had a really great weekend. Friday was the yard sale, we had fun even though the whole window thing happened. Sat. we went over to Adam's parents house to visit w/ his cousin Rodney and his fiance Lisa who came to meet Aiden. We had lots of fun...ran around w/ them, and Rodney & Adam went hunting, and then Adam's dad fixed us a delicious supper! I'm all about the food here lately. The more we bf the more I want to eat, and then eat more! Sunday was very pleasant, Adam and I took Aiden grocery shopping and just spent a nice family day lounging together!

Aiden is getting to where he stays up a whole lot more, and actually wants to lay around and play...we have had some good times and made some amazing faces! We went shopping yesterday and he made coos at everything and every one we saw. We bought him a bouncer last week so that I would have a way to quickly get ready and use the bathroom without him being totally upset with me, and let me tell you it is a miracle! He loves that thing! It vibrates, plays music, and has a spinning mobile, that he of course talks to! He is just too wonderful!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My sweet funny baby!!

Okay, this is the funniest thing ever! I was taking pics of Aiden and myself the other night, taking the classic "myspace" pose...and this is what happened!!!!
Is that not the cutest thing in the entire world? He is def. my child!
Adam says that it looks just like a face that Nathan makes all the time...and well I finally found the pic!!
Nathan this is just too much!!! You two are practically making the same face...the adorable suprise one!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Fall is finally here!!!

This truly is just a magical time of the year! And now its just even better, being a mom and just imaging all of the fun things to come during fall, through out the years. Being a mom is just as amazing as I thought it would be!! This is just what I was meant to do! Aiden had thrush really bad at the beginning of this week, but we already have that good and cleared up & his rash is gone. He is doing great, learning to make noise right now, and it just the funniest thing to watch. He moves his mouth, then starts swinging his arms all over, and then all of a sudden a loud coo will come out...then he looks around like "who made that noise?" Yeah I know, i'm a typical mom! So, here is about a 1000 pics and I'll probably be posting another blog later on today with about a 1000 or so more!!

Sweet Baby Aiden in his personal tanning bed, when he had jaundice!! It broke my heart for him to be in this!

His first time in his carseat, it swallows him up! And of course his first lil bath at home, and you can see how jaundice he was. That third pic we call the lil old man pic, its just too cute!

Well, instead of baby got back, it's baby got no back!! Poor thing barely even has a butt, but he has some super long skinny legs!
Aiden loves his Grammy and Gramps!!

This is when Granny Grunt got to meet Aiden for the first time, she was just smitten! Look at that face in the third pic it is just priceless!!! She is the about the cutest thing in the whole world!

That pic is about the only time that Aiden has ever really slept in his bed...hehe he likes our bed better!!

Aiden was showing off his big muscles to dad, soo cute! Yeah Aiden has a problem with throwing up the gang signs in all his pics!

Pic on the left was the second day home from the hospital, but he looks like his is a grown lil boy! (and yes gang signs) Then there is Aiden and his puppy, he loves that puppy so much!

Yes he has moose on his feet, and its adorable!
My sister is CRAZY about him, she is just the best aunt in the whole world!
And that is Fred and George...Aiden loves those monkey's sooo much! That is actually his security blanket...and he always eats Fred's ear.

My sweet child, already knows how to pout the really cute way and get whatever he wants! He is so SPOILED!!

This is some of Aiden's serious talk times!! He loves it when his Bumpy talks to him.