So, here we are up as early as can be on Friday trying to get ready for Saturday. We are taking Aiden on his first trip to Mississippi...and honestly I'm already in a pre panic mode, hehe. Thankfully my fam and Adam's familia have been more than helpful coming over and helping get laundry done, and holding the baby while I run around doing stuff. And seriously I don't know what I would do w/out my Sis, and Brittany's moral support, via txt. I'm getting pics ready for Adam's granny, fixing to go and get the oil changed, doing a load of Aiden's laundry, nursed the baby, and just tucked him & my sis in on the couch...now I can get ready! (of course I'm in here blogging instead!)

I wish I could just take my sister w/ us to MS but no, she has a wedding to go to this weekend, but that's alright I already stole her away from my Granny next week. It's always been tradition for her to go to Granny's on fall break, but this year, she is just coming to stay w/ me. We have so much fun and she is a huge help! But all of her hard work is paying off, I'm taking her to an All Time Low concert in St. Louis towards the end of Nov.
Now, all I have left is paying the insurance, packing the rest of our bags, and we will be ready to go. We are going to have supper when Adam gets off work tonight, head to bed (which he doesnt' even get home until 6:20), then when Aiden gets up to bf between 2:30-4:00 (we always have feeding some where between that time) we are just going to go ahead and leave after we are done...that way Aiden is still on his sleep schedule and hopefully that will work out!
I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Monkey Butt!!
And Happy Birthday Annalise!!!!! Sorry my gift will of course be there late, but it is worth it!!! Hehe!!!