Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Counting down the weeks...

Hello, yes once again...forever I know! I always set around thinking about things I want to blog on here, and then just get too busy and never do it!

Baby Aiden is approximately 4lbs 4oz and well my adorable lil monkey. I have to have BPP (biophysical profile) ultrasounds every single week, so I get to watch him wiggle around. My amniotic fluid has been a little low, so i'm drinking extreme amts of fluid, and by fluid I mean all water, to stay hydrated and keep it up. My feet are nice and swollen, my breast are starting to leak, and occasionally I have some great Braxton Hicks...and despite all of these things, I really do enjoy being pregnant. I'm still working, and hopefully I'm going to get to work up until around the week when he is suppose to arrive, which is hard to know, because it keeps changing. Originally the first day we had was Sept. 13, and for the last 2 mths we were steady at Sept. 6, but as of Monday, we are bumping it up till Sept. 4th. I say the earlier the better! Hehe.

We had Baby Aiden's baby shower and that lil boy is blessed beyond belief! He recieved so many nice things, and we just had so many nice people around. It was a great time, of course my Mom and Dad went way above and beyond...they were wonderful.

Adorable cake, and it was sooo good!

Proud Parents to Be!!!

Now we are moving...yay!! It's really not been that bad. We are moving to a house in Sharpe, close to the Grands and Western Baptist, I couldn't imagine going in to Labor here in Murray and being that far away from the hospital. We have been taking our time, but by Wed we will have everything moved out of our apt, and then Friday we are going to pick up Aiden's baby bed, and I'm then going to spend the weekend nesting in his adorable room. I'm so excited.
I never thought the urge to nest would in fact be this strong, oh but it is! Hehe. I'll def. have pics up after I get it all done!

1 comment:

  1. I love the nesting part.... isn't that just so cool?
